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Sivakumar, R.

  • Analysis of the Influence of Fear of Fall on the Score of Berg Balance Scale among the Elderly Population

  • Geoinformatics in Tourism-a Case Study

  • Dose-Dependent Effects of Corticosterone on Leydig Cell LH Receptors and Steroidogenesis In vitro

  • Dose Dependent Effects of Gamma Radiation on LH and cAMP Stimulated Steroidogenesis in Cultured Human Leydig Cells

  • Streptozotocin-Diabetes Impairs the Differentiation of Epididymis during Sexual Maturation

  • Serum Dihydrotestosterone is a Major Determinant of Bone Mineral Density in Men

  • Effects of Streptozotocin-Diabetes and Insulin Replacement on Androgen and Estrogen Receptor Concentrations in the Epididymis of Wistar Rats

  • A Novel Approach to Detect Microcalcification in Mammogram Image using Evolutionary Algorithm

  • Marine Debris - The Global Problem Least Studied in India

  • Derivatized HPTLC Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Glucosamine and Ibuprofen in Tablets

  • Co-Registration of LISS-4 Multispectral Band Data Using Mutual Information-Based Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimization

  • RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Tramadol HCl and Paracetamol Bulk Drug and its Combined Dosage Form

  • Comparison of Stochastic Gradient-Based Optimization Techniques for Nonlinear Satellite Image Coregistration Problem

  • Lymphagioma of the Tongue:A Case Report